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Hand of Fatima Collection

This artwork was created to emulate the ancient symbol “Hand of Fatima” or “Hamsa” in a more contemporary light. The stencil design is original but has taken inspiration from numerous representations of the symbol. The lotus is depicted in the centre of the palm as encompasses both the protection from the hand and the life and fertility of the Lotus. The hand is often depicted with the evil eye in the centre, however I decided to depict this with the lotus in the centre as it correlates with my chosen concept of softness and subtlety. Click to Buy


The Female Buddha

This stencil print was another satirical representation of how the younger generation have adapted to the concept of spirituality and wokeness. The design is unique however some inspiration was taken from other sources. The concept of a woman who only goes to one yoga class was inspired by meme culture around the new age concept of mindfulness. The traditional views of yoga and meditation have been thrown around as a result of westernisation so I decided to investigate this ideology in a playful manner.


Woke Ass Bitch

This stencil print was inspired by satirical representations of popular culture. The phrase “Woke Ass Bitch” was a spin on “Broke Ass Bitch” which is commonly used by people in my age group and under. As “wokeness” is a popular concept in our modern culture, I decided to fuse this into the “Broke As Bitch” phrase. Since a common assumption about artists is that they are financially unstable, I sought to make artwork that would entertain the notion in a style that is quirky and lighthearted.


The Lotus

This is another ancient symbol which is recognised on an international scale. The lotus flower is one that symbolises fertility and life, primarily because of the nature of the lotus. It submerges into pond scum daily and reemerges at mid-day. The lotus position is one of the most common meditative positions and features in my piece “The Female Buddha”. My choice of the colours blue and purple are consistent in all of my works as they create a unifying theme of peacefulness and serenity.
